Tuesday, January 27, 2009

First Entry


This is my first entry on my new blog. Hopefully I will be a bit more organised this time, and write fairly often so you can all keep up with our adventures.

We will have been in the USA for 5 years, 5 months and change when we move from Princeton to Seoul, South Korea in February.

John is very excited, I am not sure, and the girls want to take our toilet with us! I think my uncertainty is a combination of not knowing what is there for us, not knowing what to take, not knowing what to leave behind, donate, give away etc. I guess NOT KNOWING would sum it up.

Currently, I am loading things onto the give-away table in the laundry room, inviting people over to take what they want, selling stuff on craigslist.com, and generally making a huge mess. This is a different huge mess from the usual one we live in.

I would like to set myself a goal of not living in a mess anymore, but am a bit scared to make such a goal as I know that living up to it would be next to impossible.

So, lots to do, lots to think about, and please, lots to pray about.


  1. Yea! I'm so thrilled that you've started a blog! Now I can keep track of you when you're far, far away. Sigh.

    Congrats--we're so excited for you.

  2. Hey Priscilla... I tried to get onto your old blog but I think you hadn't used it for a while?? Welcome back to the blogging world - I've been doing it since August. Hope things go well for your big move! :) Simone in NZ (ex-flattie)
