Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Seeing as I have been updating here, as well as Facebook, I can't remember if I have said anything here about our new apartment, that is supposed to be ready for us next week.
The story so far ... (or for BSG fans, "previously on Kiwis in Korea...")
We arrived here, and our apartment wasn't ready, so we go moved into temporary accommodations. We are currently still in 301, and our new apartment is 202. There are only 8 apartments in this building, so we will be moving downstairs, and along one. Any-hoo, apartment 301 is owned by PCUSA, and so is wired for 110V, so all our misc electrical goods we left in the US would have worked here. Our new apartment will be wired for 240V.
There was a visiting professor staying in 201, and he got moved out a couple of weeks ago. We then got the keys, and took a look.
The floor was all bubbled (cheap flooring laid over underfloor heating), and all the wallpaper was white, so we picked new floor and wallpaper (out of one book) and it should all be completed by this coming Sunday.
John leaves on Monday for NZ, so we hope to have our things from the US arrive and be unpacked while he is away, and then we can move ourselves in.
Will keep you posted!

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